About Me

Hi, my name is Angela but everybody calls me Lala. I 'm from Maracaibo originally. I 'm 19 years old and I study Graphic Design at URBE. I live in Maracaibo, in Los Olivos. I love Pop Music, dancing everything, surfing in the net with my friends, talking on the phone, pizza, chocolate, my family, my country. I hate smoking people, violence and injustice. My dream is be a good professional, I want to learn new languages. I 'd love to work in an important company. My opinion about English : I think it is an important language that we need to any job .

Sunday, September 30, 2007

My new friends

Her name's Ana . She's from Maracaibo. She's a student from Informatic school.
She's 19 years old . She lives in Maracaibo. She likes music. She hates guayabas. Her dream is to travel around the world. She thinks that English is the best language.

Her name's Daniela. She likes music a lot and playing tennis. She
Doesn't like politics. Her dream is to graduate in her career. She likes English


Erik said...

Hello Angela, how are you?
My name is Erik and I'm from Slovenia. I study Mehatronics at vocational collage at Tehnical school center.
In my free time I play basketball (almost every day) and work on computer programs,hardware,website designing...
More about me at www.erikobid.blogspot.com

Aljaž said...

hy Angela,
In my opinion English language is very important, not only for the job but also for live. It's the most important language in the world and people speak it all over the world.

