About Me
- Angela
- Hi, my name is Angela but everybody calls me Lala. I 'm from Maracaibo originally. I 'm 19 years old and I study Graphic Design at URBE. I live in Maracaibo, in Los Olivos. I love Pop Music, dancing everything, surfing in the net with my friends, talking on the phone, pizza, chocolate, my family, my country. I hate smoking people, violence and injustice. My dream is be a good professional, I want to learn new languages. I 'd love to work in an important company. My opinion about English : I think it is an important language that we need to any job .
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Hi! I can't imagine life without technical gadgets, I totally depend on them... Like you posted, PCs, cellphones, mp3 players are my favourite gadgets too. Very practical and easy to use...:)
You have right! Tehnical gadgets you have bay olmost everywhere. With them you can do alotoff things. Widouth one phone you can call someone, send mesages. if you have a camera in it you can take a photos or movies. You can conect to the internet. You have a lot off programs to use it. Like player to look a film or to listen a Mp3 music... And all this thinks you can do widout one phoen.
Have a nice time. See you
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